WOW 2012 started off Friday morning with a paddle out at 38th Ave. I think it was Spicolli that said it best, “Just give me some tasty waves and a cool Bud.” In this case it was Mimosas. Jim and Patty Ferdinand hosted a great brunch with the featured dish, biscuits and gravy by Joan from Hawaii. Then it was off to the Ocean Pacific to catch up with friends we haven’t seen in a while. Friday night’s welcome party allows those attending to snack up, get a head start on purchasing t-shirts and posters and wetting their whistles. After the Prez (Queen) was escorted onto the wharf Saturday morning, the fun begins. All day raffles, tons of cars, a demo on surfboard shaping by Floyd Smith (of Gordon & Smith) and grand prize give a ways made the day sail by. Saturday night were back at the O.P. for what else, more food and BSing with friends. The night comes to an end with a few more raffle prizes; some well deserved awards and music by Bob Lopez and his band of Hooligans. Sunday mornings cruise with a continental breakfast at the end of the line wraps up another wonderful weekend with our woodie friends.