Santa Cruz Woodies Club (SCWC) recently spent the weekend in Pleasanton, CA at the Good Guys West Coast Nationals. Friday morning, we were up early and many of us arrived at the Alameda Fairgrounds to secure our favorite spots in “The Goodwood area”, the shaded grassy area set aside just for our Woodies. Once the cars were dusted and polished many of us walked into town for our annual Friday morning breakfast.

After breakfast the brisk walk back to the fairgrounds put us in the mood to check out the swap meet so after a couple more hours looking for interesting things you just can’t live without, we headed back to Goodwood to visit with friends and other SCWC members.

The day continued with another walk around the fairgrounds checking out all the beautiful cars and the vendor booths. By late afternoon it was time to prep for dinner; so, we set up tables and chairs for our annual Friday evening Good Guy’s social. Lynda and Doug Yugo prepared a “light” potluck dinner this year so cold sandwiches with all the fixings were the order of the day.
Saturday morning everyone assembled back at Goodwood, this time joined by more Woodies than were there Friday. Many new and interesting cars showed up from folks who traveled far and wide to attend. For the guy side of our Ohana most of the day was spent checking out the swap meet, touring the show and vendor booths and visiting with other car and Woodie owners, hanging out and enjoying each other’s company.

As has also become a tradition the Santa Cruz Woodie Gals took off for a Gal’s day. Saturday’s Good-Gals get together was a repeat of last year’s hit with a pool-side gathering for a salad bar lunch at Toni Wilkerson’s.

The Good Guys were again invited to join the Gals as the day at the fairgrounds came to an end for a Taco/Burrito Bar Dinner with all the fixings back at Toni Wilkerson’s home. Every year I look forward to Good Guys West Coast Nationals as you get to spend some quality quiet time (well until they light up the dragsters next to Goodwood) with friends but it also makes me sad as it means that Woodie season is soon coming to a close and it won’t be long before the old girl gets tucked away in the garage for her Winter hibernation. But…before that happens hope to see you all in Cambria and Morro Bay for Woodies at the Rock on Saturday, October 7, where we will all celebrate in memory of its much-loved founder and SCWC member, George Benson. Further information about the caravan down to Cambria will be forthcoming. Watch for the email from our wagon master Joe Cosgrave. Until then, see you down the road.