It comes to pass that all wingmen eventually take the wheel, I did for the first time at our January Installation Dinner as PREZ of the Santa Cruz Woodies. Dorma Baker, our past president, passed off her Dodge wheel into my and our hands of a ’49 Mercury woodie. Thus another woodie journey begins. This year marks Santa Cruz Woodies’ …
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Santa Cruz Holiday Parade
Santa Cruz Woodies participated in the Santa Cruz Holiday parade on Saturday, December 2, 2017. This event, usually the last on the club’s calendar for the year, started with a cold, slightly overcast, wintery day. Our turn out was not as strong as it has been in year’s past but many of our members were traveling or otherwise not available …
Read More »Santa Cruz Woodies at Goodguys West Coast Nationals
Every year Santa Cruz Woodies has the opportunity to attend the Goodguys West Coast Nationals show in Pleasanton and park in the special woodie parking area. When the temperatures are hovering around 100° this is a especially nice area since there are trees which provided some shade and relief from the heat. With over 3,500 cars at this event, there is always …
Read More »Woodies at the Rock
Those of you who attended Woodies at the Rock 2017 undoubtedly will agree that this year’s event was another great show for the history books. The annual Harbor Festival in Morro Bay has grown substantially over the years with street vendors now covering the Embarcadero from Wavelengths Surf Shop to the other end of the business district. The weather, while …
Read More »23rd Annual Woodies on the Wharf
WOW, WOW and WOW! What an event! As one of our club members already said, “Perfect weather and perfect friends.” As with any successful event, it really takes a great team to make it happen and Santa Cruz Woodies has an amazing team! A major part of the Santa Cruz Woodies team is the partnership we have with the City …
Read More »Doheny Wood – 20th Anniversary
Aloha all, Several of our Santa Cruz Woodie ohana made the trek down to Dana Point for the 20th Anniversary of Doheny Wood put on by Southern California Woodie Club (SCWC). Boy was it worth our while! Not sure who they had to toss into the volcano to appease the weather gods. Whoever it was must have been tasty as …
Read More »SCW Members Cruise To Woodies In The Valley
A few of the Santa Cruz Woodies members were lucky enough to be able to make it over to the Woodies in the Valley Show, which is held every year in Visalia. The weather this year was excellent with cool mornings and sunny and warm afternoons. Wayne Yada and his crew at the Central Valley Woodies always put on a …
Read More »2017 Installation Dinner
“Oh what a night…” As always when we get together such a great group of Santa Cruz Woodies folks, we have quite a happening. We had a great attendance. We served somewhere over 104 dinners and the food was really good. We’ve had rave reviews, including special appreciation for the hand made fruit turnovers warm out of the oven! …
Read More »Santa Cruz Woodies All Decked Out for the Santa Cruz Holiday Parade
Planning a cruise in our old wooden cars in December, even in Santa Cruz, is always kind of a gamble. The wood doesn’t like to get wet, windows often leak, and some of us don’t have working wipers. So when we got up the morning of the parade and looked outside, we found nothing but bright, bright sunshine and we …
Read More »Holiday Traditions Open House At Filoli Gardens
Santa Cruz Woodie Club gals again made the trip to the Holiday Traditions Open House at Filoli Gardens on November 28th. After meeting for a great lunch and chat fest in the Filoli Café, we ventured over to the mansion to begin our trek through this Christmas wonderland. Stopping for a group photo outside the mansion, we did a pretty …
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