Santa Cruz Woodies festively participated in the Santa Cruz Holiday Parade on Saturday December 2, 2023. This annual event is usually the last on the club’s calendar for the year. We arrived early to dress our cars in holiday decorations for the parade which started promptly at 10:00 a.m. We were lucky that the sun came out and the weather cleared up just before the parade began. We were pleased to have nine woodies in our group. Due to the inclement weather in their hometowns many members came without their Woodie’s, but – as always – brought their Aloha spirit to cheer us on.

While walking and holding our SCWC banner, we were led by VP Jim Vickery and Dave Welles. Our spirited band of Woodie owners drove down Pacific Ave fully decorated (both cars and people). The crowd – as excited as ever – cheered, clapped and whistled as we rolled by. Children’s eyes were wide with excitement anytime one of our drivers would honk, wave, shout Merry Christmas or give the shaka sign. Decorating the cars and seeing all the parade-watchers is such a wonderful way to get in the Holiday spirit. Our cars bring so much joy to so many people especially at this special time of year!

After the parade we drove over to Alan and Jule Hilton’s home for our annual post-parade Holiday party. After a wonderful potluck brunch, we took care of some club business by assembling this year’s election ballots and installation dinner invitations and getting them ready for mailing.
Our next event will be the annual installation dinner to be held on Saturday January 13, 2024.
Dinner invitations and election ballots have been mailed, so please keep an eye out for them. Even if you will not be attending the installation dinner, please return your ballot for the election of officers for 2024. Until then, here’s wishing everyone a happy, healthy and safe New Year!